Professeure des universités HDR (Université Grenoble Alpes & Grenoble INP)
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Innovation et Complexité Organisationnelle

I.A.E de Grenoble - BP 47 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9
Tel: 00 33 4 76 82 56 08
Email : (carine[dot]dominguez-pery[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Réseaux sociaux :
Thèmes de recherche
Values of Information systems in Organizations
IT and new Business Models
Inter-Organizational Information Systems, intermediation, E-Business
IT and Innovation, Service Innovation
Knowledge Management and IS (Absorptive capacity)
IT fashions
IT and Gender studies
IT in health
IS for societal challenges (notably in the maritime industry)
Disciplines scientifiques
Sciences de gestion
Systemes d'Information
Conseil et audit des systèmes d’information
Design de recherche
Gestion des connaissances
Initiation à la recherche
Management de l’innovation
Méthodes de recherche
Pilotage et management stratégique
Systèmes d’information inter-organisationnels
Text et graph mining
Théorie des organisations
Curriculum vitae
. Professeure invitee en sabbatique recherche a la Warwick Business School (2023-2024)
Agrégation de Sciences de Gestion (2011) – rang 4
· Séjour de Recherche à l’Université de Muenster (Allemagne), Muenster School of Business and Economics (MSBE), ERCIS (European Research Center for Information Systems) avec le Professeur Stefan Klein (Janvier-Février 2009)
· Séjour de Recherche à l’Université de Maribor, Faculté des Sciences de l’Organisation, eCenter (Slovenie, Kranj) avec le Professeurr Joze Gricar et Andreja Pucihar (Juin 2008)
· Post doctorat - Université de Southampton (UK) dans le domaine des Achats et de la Supply Chain avec le Professeur Richard Lamming (Mai-Août 2006)
· Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion (2005) – Université de Nantes - Specialisation: Management des Systèmes d’Information, Directeur: Professeur Frantz Rowe
· Séjour de Recherche à Bentley College (Boston, US) avec le Professeure M. Lynne Markus (Novembre-Décembre 2003)
· DEA 128 E-Management – Université Paris Dauphine, Directeur : Professeur Michel Kalika
· Agrégation d’Economie et Gestion (2000) – rang 7
· ENS Cachan (économie et gestion)
· Télécom Management (1996) – Option ISI (Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information)
· Maîtrise de sciences de gestion - Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne (1995)
- Sharma S. K., Janssen M., Bunker D., Dominguez-Péry C., Singh J., Dwivedi Y.K., Misra S. K. (2023), Unlocking the potential of smart technologies: addressing adoption challenges, Information Systems Frontiers, 25:4, 1293-1298.
- Dominguez-Péry, C., Tassabehji R., Corset F., Chreim Z. (2023), A holistic view of maritime navigation accidents and risk indicators: examining IMO reports from 2011 to 2021, Journal of Shipping and Trade, 8(1), 1-28. (Journal specialised in maritime studies)
- Ayala N., Le Dain M-A, Benhayoun L., Marcon A., Dominguez-Péry C. (2023), How do Small and Medium-sized Enterprises learn through Collaborative Networks for Innovation? A mixed methodology to explore absorptive capacity supporting learning, International Journal of Technology Management (AJG 2, HCERES B, FNEGE 3)
- Dominguez-Péry, C., Tassabehji R., Vuddaraju LR., & Duffour V. (2021). Improving Emergency Response Operations in Maritime Accidents using Social Media with Big Data Analytics: the MV Wakashio disaster case study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 41(9), 1544-1567. (AJG 4, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Dominguez-Péry, C., Vuddaraju L. R., Corbett-Etchevers I., & Tassabehji R. (2021). Reducing maritime accidents in ships by tackling human error: a bibliometric review and research agenda. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 6, 1-32. (Journal specialised in maritime studies)
- Benhayoun, L., Le Dain M-A., & Dominguez-Péry C. (2021). Characterising absorptive capacity supporting SME's learnings within collaborative innovation networks: insights from multi-level case studies. International Journal of Innovation Management. 25(4), 2150047. (AJG 2, HCERES C, FNEGE 4)
- Tassabehji, R., Harding N., Lee H., Dominguez-Péry, C. (2020). From female computers to male computors : how to brave new world of software development marginalises women. Human Relations. (AJG 4, CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 1)
- Benhayoun, L., Le Dain, M. A., Dominguez-Péry, C., & Lyons, A. C. (2020). SMEs embedded in collaborative innovation networks: How to measure their absorptive capacity?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 159, 120-196. (AJG 3, CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Rossetto C.R., Carvalho C.E., Ferreira G.C., Dominguez-Péry C. (2019), Absorptive capacity : the role of external knowledge in organizational strategy. Revista de Administraçao Mackenzie, 20(6), ISSN 1678-6971 (Publication classified in Brasil)
- Tassabehji, R., Mishra, J. L., & Dominguez-Péry, C. (2019). Knowledge sharing for innovation performance improvement in micro/SMEs: an insight from the creative sector. Production Planning & Control, 30(10-12), 935-950. (AJG 3, CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- De Benedittis J., Geindre S., Dominguez-Péry C. (2018), « Les écosystèmes des pôles de compétitivité : Dynamique et choix de modèle d’affaires », Revue Française de Gestion, Lavoisier, 2018, 44 (272), pp.139 - 154. 〈10.3166/rfg.2018.00239〉, (CNRS 3, HCERES B, FNEGE 2)
- De Benedittis, J., Movahedian F., Farastier A., Front A., Dominguez-Péry C. (2018), “Proposition d’une méthode collaborative pour étudier le concept de capacité d’absorption », Systèmes d’Information et Management, 3:23, 155-190 (CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Um J., Lyons A., Lam H.K.., Cheng T.C.E., Dominguez-Péry C. (2017), « Product variety management and supply chain performance: a capability perspective on their relationships and competitiveness implications”, International Journal of Production Economics, 187, 15-26. (AJG 3, CNRS 1, HCERES A, FNEGE 1)
- Dominguez-Péry C., Ageron B, Neubert G. (2013), A service science framework to enhance value creation in service innovation projects. An RFID case study, International Journal of Production Economics, 141:2, February, 440-451. (AJG 3, CNRS 1, HCERES A, FNEGE 1)
- De Vaujany F-X, Carton S., Dominguez-Péry C., Vaast E., (2013), « Moving closer to the fabric of organizing visions: the case of a trade show”, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 22: 1-25. (AJG 3, CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Neubert G., Dominguez C., Ageron B. (2011), Inter-organisational alignment to enhance information technology (IT) driven services innovation in a supply chain: the case of radio frequency identification (RFID), International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24(11): 1058-1073. (AJG 2, HCERES B – based on the classification published on July 2008 for the assessment 2010-2013)
- Dominguez C. (2009), “Business models des places de marché électroniques: une taxonomie pour décrypter leurs enjeux”, Systèmes d’Information et Management, 14(2), 39-64. CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Caby-Guillet L., Clergeau C., De Corbière F., Dominguez C., Rowe F. (2007), « Perceived values and types of electronic marketplaces in the French retail industry: 5 case studies », Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 20, N°12, July. (AJG 2, CNRS 4, HCERES C, FNEGE 4)
- Caby-Guillet L., Clergeau C., De Corbière F., Dominguez C., Rowe F. (2007), « Entre achats et approvisionnements. La valeur perçue des outils des places de marché électroniques», Revue Française de Gestion, N°173, Vol.33, April, p. 171-181. (CNRS 3, HCERES B, FNEGE 2)
- Dominguez C. (2002), « Quel rôle pour les places de marché électroniques : simple prestataire technologique de services informatiques ou chef d’orchestre d’un processus global d’échange ? », Systèmes d’Information et Management, N°1, Vol.7, p. 39-76. (CNRS 2, HCERES A, FNEGE 2)
- Duarte M., Biot-Paquerot G., Dominguez-Péry C., Arab K. (2023), AI For Social Good” Adoption Through Divergent Perceptions: Exploring A Social Landlord’s Strategizing Process, European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Cyprus, June.
Dominguez-Péry C., Arab K., Perea C., Tassabehji R. (2023), Ship’ cyber security: antecedents to improve resilience capabilities and their impact on decision making and collaborative performance, Mediterranean Conference of Information Systems (MECIS), Madrid, 6-9 September
- Dominguez-Péry C., Tassabehji R., Corset F., Chreim Z. (2022) Maritime Navigation Accident & Risk Indicators: An Exploratory Statistical Analysis Using IMO Reports (2011-2020). 2022 World of Shipping Portugal An International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs 27 - 28 January 2022, Online
- Dominguez-Péry C., Vuddaraju R., Duffour V., Eydieux J., Tassabehji R. (2021) Risk and safety in maritime transport: A review and agenda for research, World of Shipping Conference, Portugal 28-29 January
- Dominguez-Péry C., Vuddaraju R., Corbett-Etchevers I., Tassabehji R. (2021), Reducing tanker accidents by tackling human error: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. World of Shipping Conference, Portugal 28-29 January 2021,
- Dominguez-Péry C., Vuddaraju R. (2020) From Human Automation Interactions to Social Human Autonomy Machine Teaming in Maritime Transportation. InInternational Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT 2020 Dec 18 (pp. 45-56). Springer, Cham.
- Costa M., Dominguez-Péry C., Fouquet Y., Cazeneuve H., Chirié V. (2019), What assessment of the health information systems at home patients ? Proposition of a grid for patient use ». Workshop Les Technologies de l'Information en Santé, Montpellier: regards croisés des chercheurs et des praticiens, Montpellier, 24 mai (
- Sarazin A., Dominguez-Péry, C., Bouabdallah K. (2019), “Open data ecosystems: what models to co-create service innovations in smart cities?”, 3rd International Symposium of the RGCS Network, 14-15th January, Barcelona.
- Benhayoun-Sadafiyine L., Le-Dain, M., Dominguez-Péry, C. (2018). « Absorptive capacity of SMEs in collaborative networks : a contextualized operationalization », ISPIM (The International Society for Professional Innovation Management), 2-5 December, Fukuoka, Japan
- Bunyasiriroj S., Dominguez-Péry C., Ribière V. (2018), « The influence of social ties strenght on the absorptive capacity of social enterprises: a multiple case studies of social enterprises in Thailand », IFKAD (International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics) Delft, Netherlands, July 4-6.
- Bunyasiriroj S., Ribière V., Dominguez-Péry C. (2018), « The influence of different ties strength on the absorptive capacity of social enterprises: A case study of an intermediary-social enterprise in Thailand”, EURAM (European Academy of Management), 19-22nd June, Reykjavik.
- Dominguez-Péry C., De Benedittis J., Movahedian F., (2018), “Learning on routines via reflexivity: a comparison between interviews and a focus group”, 34th EGOS Colloquium, July, Tallinn, Estonia
- Costa, M., Dominguez-Péry C., Cazeneuve H., & Fouquet Y. (2018). La coordination en structure d’Hospitalisation À Domicile (HAD) – Gains et risques potentiels d’une informatisation du domicile. 23ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management (AIM), Montréal, 18 mai.
- Movahedian F., Dominguez-Péry C., De Benedittis J., Tassabehji R. (2017), “Eliciting organisational routines via reflexivity through a participatory approach", Association pour la gestion des connaissances dans la société et les organisations (AGeCSO), Montréal, 26-28 juin.
- Benhayoun-Sadafiyine L., Dominguez-Péry C., Le Dain M-A (2017), « Towards an operationalization of knowledge absorptive capacity for a collaborative innovation network”, EURAM, Glasgow (UK), 21-24 juin.
- Benhayoun-Sadafiyine L., Le-Dain, M., Dominguez-Péry, C. (2017). "Designing a maturity grid to measure the absorptive capacity of an SME embedded in a collaborative innovation network". International Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Reyjkavic, Island, 11-13 juin.
- Carton S., De Vaujany F-X, Dominguez-Péry, C., Haraoubia I.E. (2017), "Closer to the (re)configuration of an unexpected field: the case of London tech ecosystem" - 2017, OAP conference, Singapour.
- Carton S., De Vaujany F-X, Dominguez-Péry, C., Haraoubia I.E. (2016), "The spatial and temporal configuration of Tech City as field: when control is not where it is expected to be", 5th July, OAP workshop, Lisbon.
- Geindre S., De Benedittis, J., Dominguez-Péry, C., Tassabehji, R., Farastier A. (2015), “The role of SMEs’ individual ACAP to enhance radical innovations: the case of a textile cluster”, 31th EGOS Colloquium, 2-4 July, Athens, Greece.
- De Benedittis, J., Dominguez-Péry, C., Farastier, A., Geindre, S., Tassabehji, R. (2015), “Exploring the “black box” of ACAP in SMEs from the perspective of micro-practices and routines : the case of a textile cluster”, 7th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), Kos, Greece, 24-27 July.
- Benhayoun-Sadafiyine, L, Dominguez-Péry C., Le Dain M-A (2015), « Digital capabilities for SMEs’ innovation in collaborative networks: a literature review », AIM, Rabat, Marocco.
- De Benedittis J., Tassabehji R., Dominguez-Péry C. (2014), "Inter-organizational collaborative practices. The role of French clusters", EGOS conference, Sub theme 28 Unsettling boundaries: practices of inter-organizational collaboration, Rotterdam, July.
- De Benedittis, J., Dominguez-Péry, C. (2014), « Le rôle des cellules d’animation des pôles de compétitivité dans le processus de partage de connaissances inter-organisationnel », 19ème édition du Colloque annuel de l’Association Information et Management (AIM), Aix-en-Provence, 20-21 mai.
- De Vaujany FX, Dominguez-Péry C., Carton S., Vaast E. (2013), "Performing IT in the pre adoption phase: three cases of IT trade shows", EGOS conference, Sub theme 52 Organizing performativity: the practical life of theory across time and organizational settings, Montreal, July.
- De Benedittis J., Dominguez-Péry C. (2013), "Le partage des connaissances au sein des projets collaboratifs des pôles de compétitivité: les facteurs favorables", Colloque de l'AIM, Lyon, 22-24 mai, 18 p.
- De Vaujany F.X., Dominguez-Péry C., Carton S., Vaast E. (2012), “Information Technology and Performativity: An inter-organizational perspective”, 4th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 20-23 June, Kos, Greece, 47 p.
- Derrouiche R., Neubert G., Dominguez-Péry C. (2012), “Relations collaboratives client-fournisseur: quel modèle de creation de valeur?”, Proceedings of MOSIM’12, 9th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 6-8 juin, Bordeaux, 9 p.
- Dominguez C., Ageron B., Neubert G., (2010), « Value creation in collaborative networks: the case of RFID implementation in a jewellery supply chain », International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), PRO VE 2010, 11-13 October, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France.
- Carton S., De Vaujany F-X, Dominguez C. (2010), « Getting closer to the fabric of IT fads and fashions: the case of IT trade shows in France », Academy of Management, Montréal, Canada, August 8-10.
- Dominguez C., Ageron B., Neubert G. (2010), « Inter-organizational strategic alignments in a jewellery supply chain using RFID: a case study », 15ème Colloque de l’AIM, La Rochelle, May 20-21.
- Neubert G., Dominguez C., Ageron B., (2010) “RFID implementation and supply chain alignment: the case of jewellery in the retail industry”, 8th International Conference of Modelling and Simulation - MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet – Tunisia.
- Ouzrout, Y., Hossain S., Lavastre O., Chaze-Magnan L., Dominguez C. (2010), "Multi-Agent Model of SCM Trust in PLM" - 2010, International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), 7th, Bremen, Allemagne
- Ouzrout, Y., Hossain S., Lavastre O., Chaze-Magnan L., Dominguez C. (2010), "AML Modeling of Trust in Supply Chain Management" - 2010, International Conference of Modeling and Simulation , 8th, Hammamet, Tunisia
- Dominguez C. (2009), « Michael Porter ou la recherche d’un avantage concurrentiel au cœur d’outils de gestion inter-organisationnels partagés. Le cas d’une place de marché électronique dans la grande distribution. », 14ème Colloque de l’AIM, Marrakech, 10-12 Juin.
- Dominguez C. (2009), « Competitive Advantages of Electronic Marketplaces: a comparative study», European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Verona (Italy), 8-10 June.
- Dominguez C. (2008), “Une relecture des discours institutionnels du commerce électronique inter-entreprises: 2000-2007 », Conférence Internationale des Systèmes d’Information (Pre-ICIS), Paris, décembre.
- Dominguez C. (2008), « Competitive Advantages of Electronic Marketplaces in the Retail, Automotive and Maintenance, Repair and Order (MRO) Industries », European Academy of Management (EURAM), Ljubljana (Slovenia), 14-17 May.
- Dominguez C. (2007), « Electronic marketplaces as a management innovation: implications for purchasing and supply chain », European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris, 16-19 May.
- Dominguez C., Lamming R. (2007), « Is e-procurement strategy missing? », International Purchasing and Supply Conference IPSERA, Bath (UK), 1-4 April.
- Dominguez C. (2006), « Electronic marketplaces eValues : from the electronic marketplace value proposition to the perceived values of their buyer and supplier customers», Bled International Conference in electronic commerce, Bled (Slovenia), 5-7 June.
- Dominguez C. (2006), «Systèmes d’information inter-organisationnels multilatéraux et modes relationnels associés (contrôle, coordination, collaboration) », 11ème Colloque de l’AIM, Luxembourg, 7-9 June.
- Dominguez C. (2005), « Places de marché électroniques : taxonomie de business model et interprétation théorique », XIVe Conférence de l’AIMS, Angers, May.
- Dominguez C. (2005), « The management of B2B process in the context of electronic marketplaces: business models and governance implications», International doctoral consortium, International Purchasing and Supply Conference IPSERA, Archamps, France.
- Dominguez C. (2005), « How do buyers use information technology (IT) to efficiently deploy their indirect goods and services purchasing strategy?», International Purchasing and Supply Conference IPSERA, Archamps, France.
Walsh I., Kalika M., Dominguez-Péry C. (2018), « Les grands auteurs en systèmes d’information », Editions EMS Management et Société, Book coordination, 639 pages.
Dominguez-Péry C. (2011), « Valeurs et outils de gestion. De la dynamique d’appropriation au pilotage », Paris, Hermes Science Lavoisier, Book coordination, 268 pages.
- Dominguez-Péry C., Ologeanu-Taddei R. (2018), « M. Lynne Markus. Une visionnaire du rôle des systèmes d’information pour changer les organisations et le monde ». Walsh, M. Kalika, & C. Dominguez-Péry. Les grands auteurs en Systèmes d’Information, EMS, Management et Société, p.63-88.
- Walsh I., Kalika M., Dominguez-Péry C. (2018), « Introduction générale. Une cartographie du champ des systèmes d’information ». Walsh, M. Kalika, & C. Dominguez-Péry. Les grands auteurs en Systèmes d’Information, EMS, Management et Société, p. 10-20.
- Dominguez-Péry C. (2011), « Introduction » », in Dominguez-Péry C. (coord), Valeurs et outils de gestion. De la dynamique d’appropriation au pilotage, Paris, Hermes Science Lavoisier, p.17-33.
- Dominguez-Péry C. (2011), « Créer de la valeur au cœur d’outils de gestion inter-organisationnels. Les apports des travaux de Michael Porter », in Dominguez-Péry C. (coord), Valeurs et outils de gestion. De la dynamique d’appropriation au pilotage, Paris, Hermes Science Lavoisier, 2011, p.137-165.
- Dominguez C. (2011), “E-business et E-Administration”, in Thevenot J., « Master Systèmes d’information », Editions ESKA, p. 279-328.
- Dominguez C., Ageron B., Neubert G., Zaoui I. (2010), « Inter-organizational strategic alignments in a jewelry supply chain using RFiD: a case study”, in Botta-Genoulaz V., Llerrena D., Pellegrin C., (2010), Collaboration, Alignment and Coordination for Supply Chain Performance, John Wiley.
- Ouzrout Y., Chaze L., Lavastre O., Moyaux T., Dominguez C. (2010), « Simulation of Trust in Supply Chains”, in Botta-Genoulaz V., Llerrena D., Pellegrin C., (2010), Collaboration, Alignment and Coordination for Supply Chain Performance, John Wiley.
Dominguez C. (2006), « Les places de marché électroniques : définitions, composantes et business model », in Akoka J., Comyn-Wattiau I., Encyclopédie des Systèmes d’Information, Editions Vuibert, Paris
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Responsable du Master 2 ARAMIS (Advanced ReseArch in Management of Information Systems) a Grenoble IAE
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