Maîtresse de conférences (Université Grenoble Alpes & Grenoble INP)
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Anticipation et Gestion des Risques
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Curriculum vitae
Depuis 2019
Maître de conférences (Grenoble IAE)
Professeur assistant en comptabilité (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne)
Professeur en classe préparatoire au DCG
Doctorat en sciences de gestion (HEC Paris)
Echange à la Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Master 2 Recherche Organisation appliquée (IAE Paris-HEC Paris)
Diplôme de l'ENS Cachan
Certificat de spécialisation (HEC Paris)
Agrégation d'Economie Gestion (gestion comptable et financière)
Master 1 d'Economie (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Master 1 de Gestion (Université Paris Sud Orsay)
Programme d'échange européen Erasmus (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Licence 3 d'Economie (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne-ENS Cachan)
Licence 3 de Gestion (Université Paris Sud Orsay)
Admission à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Cachan
2025 T, Jérôme et Poretti, C. Stock market reaction to the voluntary adoption of nature-related financial disclosure: An event study, Finance Research Letters, 71(january), 106389
2024 Poretti, C., Jérôme, T. et Das, P. Plural form business strategy and financial reporting quality in hospitality firms, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 59(june 2024), 60-69.
2023 Poretti, C., Jérôme, T. et Brousseau, C. Family identification and earnings management in listed firms, Accounting in Europe, 20(3), 339-369.
2023 Poretti, C., Jérôme, T. et Heo, C. Business strategies and financial reporting complexity in hospitality firms, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 110, 103429.
2022 Cho, C., Jérôme, T. et Maurice, J. Assessing the impact of environmental accounting research: An empirical analysis, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 13(5), 989-1014.
2021 Depoers, F. et Jérôme, T. Corporate tax disclosure and impression management: The case of French listed firms, Gestion 2000, 38(3) 143-164.
2021 Cho, C., Jérôme, T. et Maurice, J. “Whatever it takes”: First budgetary responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in France, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 33(1), 12-23.
2020 Poretti, C., Schatt et Jérôme, T. Impact of leverage on financial information quality: International evidence from the hospitality industry, Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 28(1), 30-43.
2019 Depoers, F. et Jérôme, T. Coercive, normative, and mimetic isomorphisms as drivers of corporate tax disclosure: The case of the tax reconciliation, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 21(1), 90-105
2017 Cho, C., Hageman, A. et Jérôme, T. Eye-tracking experiments in social and environmental accounting research, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 37(3), 155-173
2017 Depoers, F. et Jérôme, T. Environmental expenditure disclosure strategies in a regulated context, Comptabilité – Contrôle – Audit, 23(1), 41-74
2016 Martin, C. et Jérôme, T. Cost-(in)efficiency and institutional pressures in chain nursing homes, European Accounting Review, 5(4), 687-718
2016 Depoers, F., Jeanjean, T. et Jérôme, T. Voluntary disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions: Contrasting the Carbon Disclosure Project and corporate reports, Journal of Business Ethics, 134(3), 445-461
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