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Doing a Thesis

Prerequisites and requirements

To register for a doctorate, you must meet the general conditions for thesis registration defined by the decree of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctorate diploma, namely:

  • hold a French diploma conferring the grade of master at the end of a training program establishing aptitude for research, or hold a foreign diploma of equivalent level (In this case, you will need to request an exemption from the master's requirement when you apply)
  • be approved by a thesis director and a host laboratory to carry out the research work.

If the diploma requirement is not met, it is possible to obtain an exemption for people who have completed studies at an equivalent level, or who have benefited from the validation of acquired experience or the validation of acquired professional experience.

Find a subject and a thesis director

To enroll in a doctoral program, you need to find a thesis director who is willing to supervise you on the basis of a duly justified research project. A thesis supervisor is a researcher with an Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) who will support you in your research activities and in writing your thesis.

Check the CERAG's members with an HDR

You can propose a thesis topic, respond to a doctoral contract offer, or work out a thesis project with your future thesis supervisor. Depending on your subject and the context of your thesis, several types of funding are available. For more information, please visit the Université Grenoble Alpes doctoral website.

Dedicated website about the PHD in Université Grenoble Alpes

Once your thesis project has been clearly defined with your thesis supervisor, you can begin your administrative registration. You'll find all the information you need directly on the Ecole Doctorale en Sciences de Gestion website.

Website of the EDSG

Contact (ed-sg[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Submitted on April 19, 2024

Updated on May 2, 2024